Oscars 2017 la la land stripped off award while making acceptance speech

I think there may be some misinformation here!

What actually happened was that Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, the presenters of the Best Picture award at the 89th Academy Awards in 2017, announced "La La Land" as the winner of the award. However, it was later revealed that the actual winner was "Moonlight".

After the initial announcement, it was discovered that there had been a mistake. The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which is responsible for tabulating the Oscar votes, had given the wrong envelope to Beatty and Dunaway. The envelope they received contained the name of the winner of the Best Actress award, Emma Stone, who had won for her role in "La La Land".

The "La La Land" team, including director Damien Chazelle and stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, had already given their acceptance speeches and had begun to celebrate when the mistake was discovered. The "Moonlight" team, on the other hand, was initially unaware that they had won and were still waiting backstage.

The mistake was eventually corrected, and the "Moonlight" team was presented with the Best Picture award. The incident was widely reported and has since become known as one of the most infamous moments in Oscar history.