New logo of access bank

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Access Bank is a leading financial institution in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. As of my knowledge cutoff, the bank's logo has undergone a recent redesign. Here's an updated description of the new logo:

New Logo:

The new Access Bank logo features a bold, modern design that reflects the bank's commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and African heritage. The logo consists of:

  1. Color Scheme: The primary color is a deep blue (#032B44), which represents trust, reliability, and professionalism. The secondary color is a bright orange (#FFC107), which symbolizes energy, creativity, and warmth.
  2. Icon: The logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of two interconnected circles. The circles represent the bank's commitment to unity, connection, and inclusivity. The "A" shape also subtly nods to the African continent, reflecting the bank's roots and focus on the African market.
  3. Typography: The logotype is set in a custom-designed font, which is clean, modern, and highly legible. The font is used consistently across all marketing materials and digital platforms.

Key Changes:

The new logo marks a significant departure from the previous design, which featured a more traditional, serif font and a simpler color scheme. The updated design aims to better reflect the bank's modern, dynamic, and customer-centric approach.


The new logo is designed to:

  1. Emphasize African Heritage: The logo's design elements, such as the interconnected circles and the use of African-inspired colors, aim to reinforce the bank's African roots and commitment to the continent's growth and development.
  2. Convey Innovation: The modern, bold design and the use of bright colors are intended to convey the bank's focus on innovation, technology, and customer-centricity.
  3. Enhance Brand Recognition: The updated logo is designed to be more distinctive, memorable, and easily recognizable across various platforms and media.

Please note that logo designs are subject to change, and this information might not be up-to-date. If you're looking for the most recent information, I recommend checking the bank's official website or social media channels.