Opinion how heavy taxes harassments hobble telcos in nigeria #comments

Here's an opinion piece on how heavy taxes and harassments hobble telcos in Nigeria:

Title: "Taxation and Harassment: The Unrelenting Stranglehold on Nigeria's Telcos"


The telecommunications industry in Nigeria has been a significant contributor to the country's economy, providing employment opportunities and facilitating communication across the nation. However, the sector has been grappling with numerous challenges, including heavy taxes and harassments, which have hindered its growth and development. In this piece, we will explore the impact of these challenges on telcos in Nigeria and the need for a more conducive business environment.

Heavy Taxes:

The Nigerian government imposes a range of taxes on telcos, including Value Added Tax (VAT), Companies Income Tax (CIT), and Stamp Duty. These taxes can be as high as 30% of a telco's revenue, making it difficult for them to operate profitably. The high tax burden has led to a situation where telcos are forced to increase their prices, which can be detrimental to their customers. Moreover, the complexity of the tax system and the lack of transparency in tax collection have created an environment of uncertainty, making it difficult for telcos to plan and invest in their businesses.


In addition to heavy taxes, telcos in Nigeria also face numerous harassments from government agencies, including the National Communications Commission (NCC), the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), and the Nigeria Police Force. These agencies often demand bribes or other forms of payment from telcos in exchange for favors or to avoid penalties. This culture of corruption has created an environment of fear and uncertainty, making it difficult for telcos to operate effectively.

Impact on Telcos:

The combination of heavy taxes and harassments has had a significant impact on telcos in Nigeria. Many telcos have been forced to reduce their investments in the country, leading to a decline in the quality of their services. Others have been forced to increase their prices, which can be detrimental to their customers. The high cost of doing business in Nigeria has also led to a brain drain, as many skilled professionals have left the country in search of better opportunities.


To address the challenges faced by telcos in Nigeria, the government must take a more nuanced approach to taxation and regulation. This can include reducing the tax burden on telcos, simplifying the tax system, and increasing transparency in tax collection. The government must also work to eliminate corruption and harassment, by holding accountable those who demand bribes or other forms of payment from telcos.


The heavy taxes and harassments faced by telcos in Nigeria are a significant challenge to the growth and development of the telecommunications industry in the country. To address this challenge, the government must take a more nuanced approach to taxation and regulation, and work to eliminate corruption and harassment. By doing so, the government can create a more conducive business environment, which can attract investment and stimulate economic growth.
