24 hours news

Here are some popular 24-hour news channels:

English Language Channels:

  1. CNN (Cable News Network) - Founded by Ted Turner in 1980, CNN is one of the most widely recognized and respected 24-hour news channels.
  2. Fox News Channel - Founded in 1996, Fox News is a conservative-leaning news channel known for its opinion-based programming.
  3. MSNBC - Founded in 1996, MSNBC is a liberal-leaning news channel that offers a mix of news, opinion, and commentary.
  4. BBC News - The British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) 24-hour news channel, offering impartial and in-depth coverage of global news.
  5. Al Jazeera English - A Qatari-based news channel that offers a global perspective on news, with a focus on the Middle East and Islamic world.

Other Languages:

  1. France 24 (French) - A French-language news channel that offers international news coverage.
  2. Deutsche Welle (German) - A German public broadcaster that offers news in German, English, and other languages.
  3. NHK World-Japan (Japanese) - Japan's public broadcasting organization, offering news and programming in Japanese and English.
  4. CCTV News (Chinese) - China's state-run news channel, offering news coverage in Mandarin Chinese.
  5. RT (Russian) - A Russian state-funded news channel that offers a perspective on global news from a Russian viewpoint.

Online News Sources:

  1. The New York Times - A leading American newspaper with a 24-hour online news feed.
  2. The Guardian - A British newspaper with a global perspective, offering 24-hour online news coverage.
  3. Al Jazeera Online - The online version of the Al Jazeera news channel, offering news coverage in multiple languages.
  4. BBC News Online - The online version of the BBC News channel, offering 24-hour news coverage.
  5. Reuters - A global news agency that offers 24-hour news coverage online.

These are just a few examples of the many 24-hour news channels and online news sources available.