One coin cryptocurrency latest news

Here are the latest news and updates on OneCoin, a cryptocurrency that was once considered a Ponzi scheme:

Latest News:


OneCoin was a cryptocurrency that was launched in 2014 by Ruja Ignatova and her brother, Konstantin Ignatov. The company claimed to be a decentralized digital currency that was backed by a complex algorithm and a large network of users. However, investigators and regulators soon discovered that OneCoin was actually a Ponzi scheme, where early investors were paid returns with money from new investors, rather than from any actual profits.

Investigation and Charges:

In 2017, the US Department of Justice indicted Ruja Ignatova and her brother on charges of fraud and money laundering. The indictment alleged that the siblings had defrauded millions of people worldwide, including many in the United States, by selling them fake cryptocurrency and promising them high returns.


The collapse of OneCoin has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market, as it has led to a loss of trust in the industry and a decline in the value of other cryptocurrencies. Many investors who lost money in OneCoin have also lost faith in the entire cryptocurrency market.


OneCoin is a cautionary tale about the dangers of investing in unregulated and unproven cryptocurrencies. While the promise of high returns and anonymity can be tempting, it's essential to do your research and due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency.