Ogun subeb news

Ogun SUBEB News!

Here are some recent updates from the Ogun State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB):

1. New School Projects: Ogun SUBEB has approved the construction of 10 new primary schools across the state, with a total cost of N1.5 billion. The projects are aimed at increasing access to quality education in the state.

2. Teachers' Training: The board has organized a training program for primary school teachers in the state, focusing on effective teaching methods and curriculum implementation. The training is part of efforts to improve the quality of education in Ogun State.

3. School Feeding Program: Ogun SUBEB has launched a school feeding program for primary school pupils in the state, aimed at improving nutrition and attendance in schools.

4. Infrastructure Development: The board has embarked on a massive infrastructure development project, which includes the construction of new classrooms, renovation of existing ones, and provision of modern facilities in schools across the state.

5. Examination Malpractice: Ogun SUBEB has warned against examination malpractice in the state, urging parents and teachers to ensure that pupils are not involved in such activities.

6. Vaccination Program: The board has partnered with the Ogun State Ministry of Health to conduct a vaccination program for pupils in the state, aimed at preventing diseases such as measles, polio, and others.

7. Education Summit: Ogun SUBEB has organized an education summit, which brought together stakeholders in the education sector to discuss ways to improve the quality of education in the state.

These are just a few of the recent updates from Ogun SUBEB. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you with that!