Download the new man by femi ademiluyi

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify a few things.

Femi Ademiluyi is a Nigerian author, and "The New Man" is one of his books. To download the book, you'll need to find a reliable source that offers the e-book or audiobook format.

Here are a few options:

  1. Amazon Kindle: You can find "The New Man" on Amazon Kindle and download it as an e-book. Simply search for the book on Amazon, click on the "Buy now with 1-Click" button, and select the Kindle format.
  2. Google Play Books: You can also find "The New Man" on Google Play Books and download it as an e-book. Search for the book on Google Play, click on the "Buy" button, and select the e-book format.
  3. Audiobook platforms: If you prefer listening to the book, you can find "The New Man" on audiobook platforms like Audible, Google Play Audiobooks, or Apple Books.
  4. E-book stores: You can also check out e-book stores like Barnes & Noble, Kobo, or 24symbols to see if they have "The New Man" available for download.

Before downloading, please ensure that you're getting the book from a legitimate source to avoid any copyright issues.

If you need help finding a specific format or platform, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!