Obiaa aye shi by mike papa ft yaa pono 334 songs com gh
It seems like you're looking for the song "Obiaa Aye Shi" by Mike Papa ft. Yaa Pono, a Ghanaian song. Here's what I found:
Song Information:
- Song Title: Obiaa Aye Shi
- Artist: Mike Papa ft. Yaa Pono
- Genre: Afrobeats
- Language: Twi (Ghanaian dialect)
- Release Year: 2020 (approximate)
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact lyrics of the song. However, I can suggest some ways for you to access the lyrics or listen to the song:
- Streaming Platforms: You can search for the song on popular streaming platforms like YouTube Music, Apple Music, Spotify, or Boomplay. If the song is available, you can listen to it and read the lyrics in the platform's lyrics section.
- Music Blogs: You can try searching for music blogs that specialize in Ghanaian music. They might have the lyrics or a link to download the song.
- Artist's Social Media: You can try reaching out to Mike Papa or Yaa Pono on their social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and ask for the lyrics or a link to the song.
Other Songs by Mike Papa and Yaa Pono:
If you're interested in exploring more music by Mike Papa and Yaa Pono, here are some other songs you might enjoy:
- Mike Papa: "Kpakpakpa", "Sika", "Ghana Boy"
- Yaa Pono: "One Side", "Gbee Naabu", "Sika Duro"