Best digital marketing news

Here are some of the best digital marketing news and updates from the past week:

Google Updates

  1. Google Algorithm Update: Google has announced a new algorithm update that aims to improve the quality of search results by reducing the impact of low-quality content.
  2. Google My Business Update: Google has updated its My Business platform to allow businesses to add more photos and videos to their listings.

Social Media

  1. Facebook's New Algorithm: Facebook has announced a new algorithm update that will prioritize content from friends and family over content from businesses and media outlets.
  2. Instagram's New Features: Instagram has launched several new features, including a "Reels" feature that allows users to create short videos and a "Shopping" feature that allows users to purchase products directly from the app.


  1. Google's Core Update: Google has announced a new core algorithm update that aims to improve the quality of search results by reducing the impact of low-quality content.
  2. SEO Tools Update: Ahrefs has updated its SEO tools to include a new feature that allows users to track their website's technical SEO issues.

Email Marketing

  1. Gmail's New Features: Gmail has launched several new features, including a "Smart Reply" feature that allows users to quickly respond to emails and a "Snooze" feature that allows users to temporarily remove emails from their inbox.

Content Marketing

  1. Content Marketing Trends: A new report from the Content Marketing Institute has identified the top content marketing trends for 2023, including the use of AI-powered content and the importance of personalization.
  2. Podcast Advertising: A new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has found that podcast advertising is on the rise, with 70% of podcast listeners saying they are more likely to engage with ads in podcasts than on other platforms.

Digital Advertising

  1. Google's New Ad Format: Google has launched a new ad format called "Responsive Search Ads" that allows advertisers to create ads that adapt to different devices and screen sizes.
  2. Facebook's New Ad Targeting Options: Facebook has launched several new ad targeting options, including the ability to target users based on their interests and behaviors.


  1. Amazon's New Features: Amazon has launched several new features, including a "Buy with Prime" feature that allows users to purchase products with their Prime membership and a "Counterfeit Crimes Unit" that aims to combat counterfeit products.
  2. E-commerce Trends: A new report from the National Retail Federation has identified the top e-commerce trends for 2023, including the rise of voice commerce and the importance of mobile optimization.

These are just a few of the best digital marketing news and updates from the past week. I hope you find them helpful!