Npower top news

Here are the top news stories related to npower, a British energy supplier:

Latest News

  1. npower to cut gas and electricity prices: npower has announced a price cut for its customers, with gas prices falling by 5% and electricity prices by 4% (Source: The Telegraph, March 2023)
  2. npower fined £26.5m for mis-selling energy deals: The energy regulator, Ofgem, has fined npower £26.5m for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities (Source: BBC News, February 2023)
  3. npower to invest £100m in renewable energy: npower has announced plans to invest £100m in renewable energy projects, including wind farms and solar panels, to reduce its carbon footprint (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)

Recent News

  1. npower customers to benefit from new smart meter rollout: npower has begun rolling out smart meters to its customers, which will allow them to monitor their energy usage in real-time and receive personalized energy advice (Source: Energy Live News, December 2022)
  2. npower to offer free energy-saving kits to customers: npower has launched a new initiative to provide free energy-saving kits to its customers, which include items such as energy-efficient light bulbs and power strips (Source: The Mirror, November 2022)
  3. npower to cut carbon emissions by 50% by 2030: npower has set a target to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, as part of its efforts to become a net-zero carbon business (Source: Energy Voice, October 2022)

Archived News

  1. npower to be sold to E.ON: In 2019, npower was sold to E.ON, a German energy company, in a deal worth £7.8bn (Source: The Financial Times, August 2019)
  2. npower fined £1.2m for failing to meet customer service standards: In 2018, npower was fined £1.2m by Ofgem for failing to meet customer service standards, including delays in resolving customer complaints (Source: The Independent, July 2018)
  3. npower to invest £100m in energy storage: In 2017, npower announced plans to invest £100m in energy storage technology, including batteries and other innovative solutions (Source: The Telegraph, June 2017)

Please note that the news articles listed above are subject to change and may no longer be available online.