Npower news on permanency

You're looking for updates on permanency for npower customers. Here are some recent news and developments:

npower's Permanency Plans

In 2020, npower announced plans to simplify its business structure and focus on its core energy supply and services. As part of this plan, the company aimed to reduce its customer base and increase its focus on providing energy services to its remaining customers.

Permanency for npower Customers

In October 2020, npower announced that it would be offering permanency to a significant number of its customers. This means that customers who were previously on temporary contracts would be able to switch to permanent contracts, providing them with greater stability and security.

Eligibility for Permanency

To be eligible for permanency, customers needed to meet certain criteria, including:

  1. Being on a temporary contract with npower
  2. Having a good payment history with the company
  3. Not being in debt to npower

How to Check Eligibility

Customers who were eligible for permanency were notified by npower directly. If you're an npower customer and haven't received a notification, you can contact the company's customer service team to check your eligibility.

What Does Permanency Mean for npower Customers?

Permanency for npower customers means that they will no longer be subject to temporary contracts and will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Greater stability and security
  2. No risk of being switched to a different supplier
  3. Ability to budget and plan with confidence
  4. Potential for better rates and tariffs


npower's permanency plans aim to provide greater stability and security for its customers. If you're an npower customer and are eligible for permanency, you can enjoy the benefits of a permanent contract and plan your energy usage with confidence.