2face new video holy holy

You're referring to the new music video by 2Face Idibia, a legendary Nigerian musician!

Yes, the music video for "Holy Holy" has been making waves online and on music streaming platforms. The song is a powerful gospel-inspired track that showcases 2Face's soulful vocals and thought-provoking lyrics.

The music video, which was released in 2020, features 2Face performing the song in a church setting, surrounded by a choir and other musicians. The video also includes scenes of people from different walks of life coming together to worship and celebrate their faith.

"Holy Holy" is a great example of 2Face's ability to create music that inspires and uplifts his fans. The song has been well-received by music lovers in Nigeria and around the world, and it's a testament to 2Face's enduring legacy as a musician and a role model.

Have you listened to the song or watched the music video? What do you think of 2Face's latest release?