November new month sermon

Here's a sample sermon for the first Sunday of November:

Title: "A New Month, A New Opportunity"

Text: Psalm 90:12-17


As we gather here today, we mark the beginning of a new month. November is a month of transition, a time when the warmth of summer gives way to the chill of autumn. It's a time when the leaves change color, and the world around us is painted with vibrant hues of orange, red, and yellow. But as we look around, we're reminded that life is full of transitions, and we're constantly facing new challenges and opportunities.

The Psalmist's Prayer:

In Psalm 90, the psalmist prays to God, saying, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (v. 12) The psalmist is asking God to help us understand the value of time, to help us make the most of the days we have. And in verse 17, he says, "May the favor of the Lord be upon us, and prosper the work of our hands."

A New Opportunity:

As we begin this new month, I want to encourage you to see it as a new opportunity. An opportunity to start fresh, to leave behind the mistakes of the past, and to move forward with hope and anticipation. An opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities, to re-commit to our goals, and to re-dedicate ourselves to the things that matter most.

The Value of Time:

The psalmist's prayer is a reminder that time is a precious gift. We don't know how many days we have left, and we don't know what the future holds. But we do know that every day is a gift from God, and we should make the most of it. We should use our time wisely, to pursue our passions, to build meaningful relationships, and to serve others.


As we begin this new month, I want to leave you with a challenge. Let's make the most of this month. Let's use our time wisely, and let's make a positive impact on the world around us. Let's re-commit to our goals, and let's re-dedicate ourselves to the things that matter most. And let's do it all with a heart of wisdom, knowing that every day is a gift from God.


Dear God, we thank you for this new month, and for the opportunities it brings. Help us to use our time wisely, and to make the most of every day. Give us a heart of wisdom, and help us to pursue our passions with purpose and intention. May the favor of the Lord be upon us, and may our work prosper in the days ahead. Amen.