North korea fires projectiles into sea for second week running

North Korea has fired multiple projectiles into the sea for the second consecutive week, according to reports from South Korea and Japan.

On Saturday, the South Korean military detected the launch of several projectiles from the North Korean city of Wonsan, located on the country's eastern coast. The projectiles flew over the sea and landed in the waters off the coast of North Korea.

This is the second time in a week that North Korea has launched projectiles into the sea. On Tuesday, the country fired several short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, which were detected by South Korean and Japanese radar systems.

The launches are seen as a provocation by the international community, particularly by the United States and South Korea, which have been conducting joint military exercises in the region. The exercises are seen as a way to deter North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

North Korea has been conducting a series of missile tests in recent months, despite international pressure to halt its nuclear and missile programs. The country has been developing its ballistic missile capabilities, and has conducted several tests of its intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in recent years.

The United States and South Korea have been conducting joint military exercises in the region, which are seen as a way to deter North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. The exercises have been criticized by North Korea, which sees them as a threat to its national security.

The situation on the Korean Peninsula remains tense, with both sides trading threats and insults. The United States has been pushing for increased sanctions on North Korea, while North Korea has been threatening to launch a nuclear attack on the United States.

The international community is closely watching the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and is urging both sides to return to the negotiating table to discuss a peaceful resolution to the crisis.