Difference between new earth and prime earth

In the DC Comics universe, particularly in the Flash and Crisis on Infinite Earths storylines, there are multiple parallel universes, each with their own versions of characters and events. Two of these parallel universes are often referred to as "New Earth" and "Prime Earth".

New Earth: New Earth is a parallel universe that was created as a result of the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths maxi-series (1985-1986). In this universe, the Multiverse was rebooted, and many characters were reimagined or reoriginated. New Earth is often considered the "main" universe, as it is the one that most closely resembles the pre-Crisis universe.

In New Earth, the Flash (Barry Allen) died during the Crisis, and his legacy was taken up by Wally West, who became the new Flash. Other characters, such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, also had their origins reimagined or reoriginated in this universe.

Prime Earth: Prime Earth is a parallel universe that was introduced in the 2011 reboot of the DC Universe, known as The New 52. In this universe, the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths never occurred, and the DC Universe was rebooted to its pre-Crisis state.

In Prime Earth, the Flash (Barry Allen) is still alive and active, and many characters have the same origins and backstories as they did in the pre-Crisis universe. This universe is often considered the "original" universe, as it is the one that most closely resembles the DC Universe before the Crisis.

Key differences:

  1. Flash: In New Earth, Wally West is the Flash, while in Prime Earth, Barry Allen is the Flash.
  2. Crisis: The Crisis on Infinite Earths never occurred in Prime Earth, while it did occur in New Earth, leading to the reboot of the Multiverse.
  3. Character origins: Many characters have different origins or backstories in New Earth compared to Prime Earth.
  4. Timeline: The timeline of events is different in each universe, with New Earth having a more complex and convoluted history due to the events of the Crisis.

In summary, New Earth is a parallel universe that was created as a result of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, while Prime Earth is a reboot of the DC Universe that ignores the events of the Crisis. While both universes have their own versions of characters and events, they differ significantly in terms of their histories and timelines.