Nigeria sees solar eclipse on sunday nasrda

I think there may be a slight mistake here!

Nigeria will not be seeing a solar eclipse on Sunday, as there is no solar eclipse scheduled to occur on that day. Additionally, NASRDA is not a reliable source for eclipse predictions.

However, I can suggest a few ways to stay informed about upcoming solar eclipses:

  1. Check NASA's website: NASA is a trusted source for eclipse predictions and information. You can visit their website at and search for "solar eclipse" to find information on upcoming eclipses.
  2. Use a reliable eclipse app: There are several apps available that can provide information on solar eclipses, including their timing, path, and visibility. Some popular apps include NASA's Eclipse App, Solar Eclipse, and Eclipse Timer.
  3. Follow astronomy news sources: Websites like,, and The Planetary Society often provide updates on upcoming eclipses and other astronomical events.

Remember to always prioritize eye safety during a solar eclipse by using proper viewing equipment, such as solar viewing glasses or handheld solar viewers with a ISO 12312-2 certification.