Ngo news

Here are some recent news stories and updates from the non-governmental organization (NGO) sector:

Global News

  1. UNICEF and partners launch largest-ever measles vaccination campaign: The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and its partners have launched a massive measles vaccination campaign in the Democratic Republic of Congo, aiming to vaccinate over 10 million children against the disease. (Source: UNICEF)
  2. Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement launches appeal for Yemen: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has launched an appeal for $143 million to support humanitarian efforts in Yemen, where millions of people are facing a severe humanitarian crisis. (Source: IFRC)
  3. Oxfam launches campaign to end gender-based violence: Oxfam International has launched a global campaign to end gender-based violence, calling on governments and individuals to take action to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. (Source: Oxfam)

Regional News

  1. Human Rights Watch criticizes US treatment of migrant children: Human Rights Watch has criticized the treatment of migrant children in US custody, citing reports of overcrowding, poor conditions, and inadequate access to healthcare and education. (Source: Human Rights Watch)
  2. Amnesty International calls for action on climate change: Amnesty International has called on governments to take immediate action to address the climate crisis, citing the devastating impact of climate change on human rights around the world. (Source: Amnesty International)
  3. Save the Children launches appeal for Syrian refugees: Save the Children has launched an appeal for $10 million to support Syrian refugees in Jordan, where thousands of children are at risk of being forced into child labor or early marriage. (Source: Save the Children)

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Medecins Sans Frontieres wins Nobel Peace Prize: Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its humanitarian work around the world. (Source: Nobel Prize)
  2. Oxfam wins Humanitarian Award: Oxfam International has won the Humanitarian Award at the 2022 Humanitarian Awards, recognizing its work in responding to humanitarian crises around the world. (Source: Humanitarian Awards)
  3. UNICEF wins award for innovation in education: UNICEF has won the 2022 Innovation in Education Award for its work in using technology to improve education outcomes for children around the world. (Source: UNICEF)

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates from the NGO sector.