Bella bbnaija 2022 profile biography instagram state photos age birthday

Here is the profile biography, Instagram handle, photos, age, and birthday of Bella, a housemate in Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2022:

Name: Bella Okagbue

Age: 23 years old (born on August 19, 1999)

Birthday: August 19

Instagram Handle: @bellavtage (1.4 million followers)

Biography: Bella is a 23-year-old entrepreneur and content creator from Anambra State. She is a graduate of the University of Lagos, where she studied Economics. She is the founder of her own fashion brand, "Bella Shmurda", and has a passion for creating content around fashion, lifestyle, and beauty.


About Bella: Bella is a confident and outgoing individual who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is a fashion enthusiast and loves to express herself through her style. She is also a strong believer in self-care and prioritizes her mental and physical well-being. In the BBNaija house, Bella hopes to use her platform to promote her fashion brand and inspire others to be confident in their own skin.

Please note that the information provided is based on Bella's profile and may not be exhaustive or up-to-date.