Ngo job news

Here are some recent job news and updates from the non-profit sector:

Job Openings:

  1. Program Manager, Global Health at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Seattle, WA): The foundation is seeking a Program Manager to lead the development and implementation of global health programs.
  2. Director of Development at the Nature Conservancy (Various locations): The Nature Conservancy is seeking a Director of Development to lead fundraising efforts for the organization.
  3. Senior Program Officer, Education at the Ford Foundation (New York, NY): The Ford Foundation is seeking a Senior Program Officer to lead education programs and initiatives.
  4. Executive Director at the American Red Cross (Various locations): The American Red Cross is seeking an Executive Director to lead local chapters and disaster response efforts.
  5. Grant Writer at the United Way (Various locations): United Way is seeking a Grant Writer to research and write grant proposals for local programs.

Industry Trends:

  1. Non-profit sector growth: According to a recent report by the National Center for Charitable Statistics, the non-profit sector has seen steady growth over the past decade, with a 3.5% increase in the number of non-profits and a 4.5% increase in revenue.
  2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives: Many non-profits are prioritizing DEI initiatives, including hiring practices, board composition, and program development. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years.
  3. Technology and innovation: Non-profits are increasingly leveraging technology to improve program delivery, fundraising, and communication. This includes the use of data analytics, social media, and online platforms.

Industry Events:

  1. Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC): The NTC is an annual conference that brings together non-profit professionals to discuss the latest trends and best practices in technology and innovation.
  2. Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) International Conference: The AFP International Conference is a premier event for fundraising professionals, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities.
  3. Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (NLA) Conference: The NLA Conference is a gathering of non-profit professionals, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities focused on leadership and management.

Industry News:

  1. New report highlights non-profit sector challenges: A recent report by the Urban Institute highlights the challenges facing the non-profit sector, including funding uncertainty, regulatory complexity, and talent retention.
  2. Non-profit sector sees increase in mergers and acquisitions: According to a recent report by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, the non-profit sector has seen an increase in mergers and acquisitions, driven by factors such as funding uncertainty and the need for greater efficiency.
  3. New research highlights the impact of non-profits on local economies: A recent study by the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives highlights the significant impact that non-profits have on local economies, including job creation and economic growth.

I hope this information is helpful!