News website templates

Here are some popular news website templates:

  1. Newspaper: A clean and modern template with a focus on storytelling and readability.
  2. NewsHub: A responsive template with a focus on multimedia content and social sharing.
  3. Journal: A classic template with a focus on typography and a clean design.
  4. NewsPro: A professional template with a focus on news and analysis.
  5. The Daily: A modern template with a focus on breaking news and social media integration.
  6. NewsPress: A responsive template with a focus on multimedia content and social sharing.
  7. The Times: A classic template with a focus on typography and a clean design.
  8. NewsWire: A modern template with a focus on news and analysis.
  9. The Post: A responsive template with a focus on breaking news and social media integration.
  10. NewsSite: A clean and modern template with a focus on storytelling and readability.

These templates are available for various content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. You can also customize them to fit your specific needs.

Some popular news website templates on WordPress:

  1. Newspaper: A popular template with a focus on storytelling and readability.
  2. NewsMag: A modern template with a focus on multimedia content and social sharing.
  3. Journalist: A classic template with a focus on typography and a clean design.
  4. NewsPro: A professional template with a focus on news and analysis.

Some popular news website templates on Joomla:

  1. NewsShow: A modern template with a focus on multimedia content and social sharing.
  2. Journal: A classic template with a focus on typography and a clean design.
  3. NewsPro: A professional template with a focus on news and analysis.

Some popular news website templates on Drupal:

  1. News: A modern template with a focus on multimedia content and social sharing.
  2. Journal: A classic template with a focus on typography and a clean design.
  3. NewsPro: A professional template with a focus on news and analysis.

Remember to check the compatibility of the template with your CMS and any specific requirements you may have.