News website github

Here are some popular news websites that have open-source code available on GitHub:

  1. The New York Times: The New York Times has open-sourced its entire website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  2. The Guardian: The Guardian has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  3. The Washington Post: The Washington Post has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  4. BBC News: The BBC has open-sourced its news website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  5. Al Jazeera: Al Jazeera has open-sourced its news website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  6. The Verge: The Verge has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  7. TechCrunch: TechCrunch has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  8. The Next Web: The Next Web has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  9. Mashable: Mashable has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.
  10. The Huffington Post: The Huffington Post has open-sourced its website, including its front-end and back-end code, on GitHub.

Some popular open-source news website projects on GitHub include:

  1. Newscoop: Newscoop is a free and open-source news management system developed by the German news agency Deutsche Welle.
  2. OpenNews: OpenNews is a free and open-source news platform developed by the Knight Foundation.
  3. Newscoop: Newscoop is a free and open-source news management system developed by the German news agency Deutsche Welle.
  4. Pulse: Pulse is a free and open-source news aggregator developed by the non-profit organization, the Open News Project.
  5. NewsAPI: NewsAPI is a free and open-source news API developed by the company, NewsAPI.

These are just a few examples of news websites and projects that have open-source code available on GitHub. There are many more out there, and you can search for them using GitHub's search function.