Soups and star wars how watford keeper foster is beating self isolation boredom

A creative and entertaining way to combat self-isolation boredom!

Watford goalkeeper Ben Foster has found a unique way to pass the time during the COVID-19 pandemic. He's been making soup and exploring the world of Star Wars!

In a series of Instagram posts, Foster has shared his culinary creations, from hearty beef stews to creamy tomato soups. He's even given his followers a glimpse into his kitchen, showcasing his cooking skills and sharing tips and tricks.

But that's not all - Foster has also been indulging in his love for Star Wars. He's been re-watching the classic films, sharing his favorite moments and characters, and even creating his own Star Wars-themed soup recipes!

Who knew that combining soup and Star Wars could be the perfect recipe for beating self-isolation boredom? Foster's creativity and enthusiasm are inspiring, and his followers are loving the behind-the-scenes look into his daily life.

Here are some of the highlights from Foster's Instagram posts:

Soup creations:

Star Wars moments:

Foster's soup and Star Wars adventures have brought a smile to many faces, and we can't help but be inspired by his creativity and positivity. Who knows what other fun and quirky activities he'll come up with to combat self-isolation boredom?