News update on npower

Here's a news update on Npower:

Latest News:


Npower is a UK-based energy company that was founded in 1990. It was acquired by Innogy in 2015. Despite being one of the largest energy companies in the UK, Npower has struggled to compete with larger rivals such as British Gas and E.ON. The company has faced criticism for its customer service and has been accused of overcharging customers.

Impact on Customers:

The sale of Npower's UK business to E.ON is likely to have a significant impact on customers. While E.ON has promised to maintain Npower's operations and customer service, customers may experience changes to their energy tariffs and services. It is also unclear what will happen to Npower's customer loyalty schemes and rewards.


The sale of Npower's UK business to E.ON marks a significant change for the energy market in the UK. While the deal may bring some benefits, such as increased competition and investment, it also raises concerns about job losses and the impact on customers. As the deal is completed, customers will be keeping a close eye on how E.ON plans to integrate Npower's operations and customer service.