News script for students

Here's a sample news script for students:

Title: "Breaking News: New School Policy Affects Students"


[Upbeat music plays]

Announcer: "Good evening, students! Welcome to our evening news broadcast. I'm your anchor, [Name]. Tonight, we have some important news to share with you. A new school policy has been implemented, and it's affecting students in a big way. Let's dive in and find out what's happening."

Segment 1: Introduction to the Policy

[Cut to a graphic with the title "New School Policy"]

Announcer: "As you may know, the school administration has introduced a new policy aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing waste. Starting from next week, students will no longer be allowed to use single-use plastics in the cafeteria or classrooms."

[Cut to an interview with a student]

Student: "I think it's a great idea. We've been talking about the impact of plastic waste on the environment for a while now, and it's about time we take action. I'm excited to see how this policy will make a difference."

Segment 2: Impact on Students

[Cut to a graphic with the title "How the Policy Affects Students"]

Announcer: "So, how will this policy affect students? We spoke to some students to find out."

[Cut to an interview with another student]

Student: "I'm a bit worried about how I'll carry my lunch and snacks now. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find reusable containers that fit my needs."

Announcer: "Don't worry, students! The school administration has provided some resources to help you transition to reusable containers. You can find more information on the school's website or by talking to your teachers."

Segment 3: Student Reaction

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Student Reaction"]

Announcer: "We asked students what they think about the new policy. Here's what they had to say."

[Cut to a montage of students sharing their thoughts]

Student 1: "I think it's a great idea. We should be doing more to protect the environment."

Student 2: "I'm not sure about it. I like using plastic bags and containers."

Student 3: "I think it's a good start, but we need to do more to make a bigger impact."


[Outro music plays]

Announcer: "That's all for tonight's news broadcast. We hope you found this information helpful. Remember, every small change we make can add up to make a big difference. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time!"

[Closing shot of the news anchor]

This script is just a sample, and you can modify it to fit your specific needs and interests. You can also add more segments or features to make the news broadcast more engaging and informative.