New plmn setting

You're referring to the "PLMN" setting on your phone!

PLMN stands for Public Land Mobile Network, and it's a setting that allows you to select a specific mobile network operator or carrier for your phone to connect to.

Here's how to set a new PLMN on your phone:

For Android devices:

  1. Go to your phone's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select "Connections" or "Wireless & networks".
  3. Tap on "Mobile networks" or "Cellular networks".
  4. Look for the "PLMN" or "Network operator" option and select it.
  5. Choose the desired carrier or network operator from the list.
  6. Save your changes.

For iOS devices:

  1. Go to your phone's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select "Cellular" or "Mobile Data".
  3. Tap on "Cellular Data Options" or "Mobile Data Options".
  4. Look for the "PLMN" or "Network operator" option and select it.
  5. Choose the desired carrier or network operator from the list.
  6. Save your changes.

Note that the exact steps may vary depending on your phone model and operating system. Additionally, some phones may not have a separate PLMN setting, and instead, you may need to select the carrier or network operator from the main settings menu.

By setting a new PLMN, you can ensure that your phone connects to the correct network and allows you to make and receive calls, send texts, and access data services.