News meaning

The word "news" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

  1. Current events: News typically refers to reports of recent events, developments, or happenings that are of public interest. This can include local, national, or international news, such as politics, sports, entertainment, or breaking news.
  2. Information: News can also refer to information or updates about a particular topic, person, or organization. For example, "I got some news about my job" might mean that someone received an update about their employment status.
  3. Broadcast or publication: News can also refer to a specific broadcast or publication that reports on current events, such as a news program, newspaper, or online news site.
  4. Gossip or rumor: In some cases, "news" can also refer to gossip or rumors about someone or something, often used in a more informal or social context.

Some common synonyms for "news" include:

Some common antonyms for "news" include:

In general, the word "news" implies that the information being shared is new, relevant, and of interest to others.