National examination council news

Here are some recent news and updates from the National Examination Council (NECO):

Recent News

  1. NECO Releases 2022 SSCE Results: The National Examination Council (NECO) has released the results of the 2022 Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). According to the council, 1,227,853 candidates sat for the examination, with 1,144,817 obtaining credits and above in five subjects.
  2. NECO Introduces New Subject Options: NECO has introduced new subject options for the 2023 SSCE, including Computer Science, Data Processing, and Agricultural Science. The council aims to provide more opportunities for students to develop their skills and knowledge in emerging areas.
  3. NECO Partners with NUC to Enhance Examinations: NECO has partnered with the National Universities Commission (NUC) to enhance the quality of examinations and ensure that students are adequately prepared for tertiary education. The partnership aims to improve the standards of education in Nigeria.

Upcoming Events

  1. 2023 SSCE Timetable Released: NECO has released the timetable for the 2023 SSCE, which is scheduled to take place from June 6 to July 29, 2023.
  2. NECO Training for Examiners: NECO is set to conduct a training program for examiners in preparation for the 2023 SSCE. The training aims to equip examiners with the necessary skills and knowledge to mark scripts accurately and efficiently.

Recent Achievements

  1. NECO Celebrates 40th Anniversary: NECO celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2022, marking four decades of promoting quality education in Nigeria.
  2. NECO Wins Award for Excellence: NECO won the "Examination Body of the Year" award at the 2022 Nigerian Education Awards, recognizing its efforts to promote excellence in education.

Important Reminders

  1. NECO Registration Deadline: The deadline for registering for the 2023 SSCE is March 31, 2023. Candidates are advised to register on time to avoid late registration penalties.
  2. NECO Exam Guidelines: NECO has released guidelines for the 2023 SSCE, which include rules on examination conduct, cheating, and other important matters. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the guidelines to avoid any issues during the examination.

I hope this information is helpful!