News gathering techniques

Here are some common news gathering techniques used by journalists:

  1. Interviews: Conducting in-person, phone, or video interviews with sources, experts, and witnesses to gather information and quotes.
  2. Research: Conducting background research on a topic, including reviewing documents, articles, and online sources to gather information and context.
  3. Surveys: Conducting surveys or polls to gather opinions and data from a representative sample of people.
  4. Observation: Observing events, scenes, or situations firsthand to gather information and take notes.
  5. Document analysis: Analyzing documents, such as reports, records, and emails, to gather information and evidence.
  6. Phone and email interviews: Conducting interviews with sources over the phone or via email to gather information and quotes.
  7. Social media monitoring: Monitoring social media platforms to gather information, track trends, and identify sources.
  8. FOIA requests: Submitting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to government agencies to obtain public records and information.
  9. Public records requests: Submitting requests to government agencies, businesses, and organizations to obtain public records and information.
  10. Stakeouts: Conducting surveillance or monitoring a location to gather information and observe events.
  11. Undercover reporting: Conducting reporting while posing as someone else, such as a patient or a customer, to gather information and observe events.
  12. Data analysis: Analyzing data, such as statistics and trends, to identify patterns and tell stories.
  13. Expert interviews: Conducting interviews with experts in a particular field to gather information and insights.
  14. Focus groups: Conducting focus groups with a small, diverse group of people to gather opinions and feedback.
  15. Online research: Conducting research online, including searching for information on search engines, social media, and online databases.
  16. Phone and email tips: Gathering information and tips from anonymous sources via phone or email.
  17. In-person tips: Gathering information and tips from sources in person, such as at a coffee shop or in a public place.
  18. Public records searches: Searching public records, such as property records and court records, to gather information and evidence.
  19. Government records searches: Searching government records, such as federal and state records, to gather information and evidence.
  20. Archival research: Conducting research in archives, libraries, and other repositories to gather historical information and context.

These are just a few examples of the many news gathering techniques used by journalists. The specific techniques used can vary depending on the story, the source, and the journalist's goals.