New zealand work visa application form

The New Zealand work visa application form is typically submitted online through the Immigration New Zealand website. Here's a general outline of the process and the required documents:

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Before applying, check if you're eligible for a work visa by using the Immigration New Zealand's online tool.

Step 2: Choose the right visa

New Zealand offers various work visas, including:

  1. Essential Skills Work Visa: For skilled workers who have a job offer in New Zealand.
  2. Work to Residence Visa: For workers who want to work in New Zealand for a certain period and then apply for residency.
  3. Temporary Work Visa: For workers who want to work in New Zealand for a short period (up to 3 years).
  4. International Recognition Work Visa: For workers who have a recognized qualification or experience in their field.

Step 3: Gather required documents

The required documents may vary depending on the type of visa you're applying for. Generally, you'll need to provide:

  1. A valid passport
  2. A completed and signed application form (available on the Immigration New Zealand website)
  3. A recent passport-sized photo
  4. Proof of language proficiency (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL test results)
  5. Proof of qualifications and experience (e.g., diplomas, certificates, and transcripts)
  6. A job offer letter or contract from your New Zealand employer
  7. Proof of financial support (e.g., bank statements, proof of income)
  8. Health and character certificates (if required)

Step 4: Submit your application

Submit your application online through the Immigration New Zealand website. You'll need to create an account and fill out the application form, attaching the required documents.

Step 5: Pay the application fee

Pay the application fee, which varies depending on the type of visa and your circumstances.

Step 6: Wait for a decision

Immigration New Zealand will review your application and make a decision. This may take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of your application.

Step 7: Attend an interview (if required)

If your application is selected for an interview, you'll need to attend an interview at a designated location.

Step 8: Receive your visa

If your application is approved, you'll receive a work visa, which will allow you to work in New Zealand for the specified period.

Additional tips

Remember to carefully review the requirements and process for your specific visa type, as the application form and documents may vary.