Tag visit rwanda

Rwanda! A country with a rich history, stunning natural beauty, and a resilient people. Here are some tags to help you plan your visit to Rwanda:

Must-see attractions:

  1. Volcanoes National Park: Home to the endangered mountain gorillas, this park offers trekking and habituation experiences.
  2. Akagera National Park: A savannah park with a diverse range of wildlife, including the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo).
  3. Nyungwe Forest National Park: A lush rainforest with chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, and other primates.
  4. Kigali City: The capital city, known for its vibrant markets, cultural attractions, and genocide memorials.
  5. Lake Kivu: A beautiful lake with stunning views and opportunities for boating and fishing.

Things to do:

  1. Gorilla trekking: Get up close and personal with the majestic mountain gorillas.
  2. Chimpanzee tracking: Explore the forest and spot these agile primates.
  3. Wildlife safaris: Go on a guided tour to spot the Big Five and other wildlife in their natural habitats.
  4. Cultural experiences: Visit local villages, attend traditional dances, and learn about Rwandan customs.
  5. Hiking and trekking: Explore Rwanda's beautiful mountains, forests, and valleys on foot.

Tips and essentials:

  1. Visa requirements: Check the visa requirements for your country and apply in advance.
  2. Vaccinations: Consult your doctor or a travel clinic about necessary vaccinations.
  3. Language: Kinyarwanda is the official language, but many Rwandans speak English, French, and other languages.
  4. Currency: The Rwandan franc (RWF) is the local currency, but US dollars and other major currencies are widely accepted.
  5. Safety: Rwanda is generally a safe country, but take normal precautions to protect yourself and your belongings.

Best time to visit:

  1. Dry season: December to February and June to September are the best times to visit Rwanda, with minimal rainfall and comfortable temperatures.
  2. Wet season: March to May and September to November can be rainy, but the landscapes are lush and green.


  1. Luxury lodges: Choose from a range of luxury lodges and resorts, many of which offer stunning views and high-end amenities.
  2. Mid-range hotels: Find comfortable and affordable hotels in Kigali and other towns.
  3. Budget-friendly options: Opt for guesthouses, hostels, or camping sites for a more budget-friendly experience.

Getting around:

  1. Flights: Fly into Kigali International Airport (KGL) and use domestic flights to reach other parts of the country.
  2. Taxis and buses: Use taxis or buses to get around Kigali and other towns.
  3. Car rentals: Rent a car to explore the countryside and national parks.

Responsible tourism:

  1. Support local communities: Choose tour operators that support local communities and conservation efforts.
  2. Respect wildlife and habitats: Follow guidelines and regulations to minimize your impact on the environment and wildlife.
  3. Learn about Rwandan culture: Take the time to learn about Rwandan customs, history, and traditions to show respect and appreciation.

Remember to plan responsibly, respect local cultures, and enjoy your visit to Rwanda!