New zealand vs netherlands

A fascinating comparison! New Zealand and the Netherlands are two countries that may seem worlds apart, but they share some interesting similarities and differences. Here are a few:


  1. Dutch heritage: The Netherlands has a significant influence on New Zealand's history and culture. Many Dutch settlers arrived in New Zealand in the 19th century, and their legacy can still be seen in the country's architecture, language, and customs.
  2. Farming and agriculture: Both countries have a strong agricultural sector, with the Netherlands being famous for its dairy farming and New Zealand being known for its sheep farming and wine production.
  3. Love for cycling: The Netherlands is famous for its cycling culture, and New Zealand is also a popular destination for cyclists, with its scenic bike trails and bike-friendly roads.


  1. Size: The Netherlands is a small country, with a total area of approximately 41,543 km² (16,040 sq mi), while New Zealand is a significant country, with a total area of approximately 268,021 km² (103,483 sq mi).
  2. Population: The Netherlands has a population of around 17.2 million people, while New Zealand has a population of around 4.9 million people.
  3. Language: While both countries have official languages (Dutch in the Netherlands and English in New Zealand), the majority of the population in the Netherlands speaks Dutch, while English is the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  4. Climate: The Netherlands has a temperate maritime climate, with mild winters and cool summers, while New Zealand has a temperate climate with a mix of oceanic and subtropical influences, with colder winters and milder summers.
  5. Cuisine: While both countries have a strong food culture, the Netherlands is famous for its cheese, chocolate, and waffles, while New Zealand is known for its lamb, seafood, and kiwifruit.
  6. Economy: The Netherlands has a highly developed economy, with a strong service sector, while New Zealand has a more diversified economy, with a strong focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.
  7. Culture: The Netherlands has a rich cultural heritage, with a strong tradition of art, music, and literature, while New Zealand has a unique cultural identity shaped by its indigenous Māori people and its British colonial history.

These are just a few of the similarities and differences between New Zealand and the Netherlands. Both countries have their own unique charm and attractions, and there's much to learn and appreciate about each other!