Breaking christian news headlines the christian post

Here are some recent breaking Christian news headlines from The Christian Post:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis Calls for Global Solidarity to Combat Climate Change: Pope Francis has urged world leaders to take immediate action to combat climate change, saying it is a moral imperative to protect the planet and its inhabitants. (Source: The Christian Post)
  2. Christian Leaders Condemn Violence Against Christians in Nigeria: Christian leaders from around the world have condemned the recent violence against Christians in Nigeria, calling for an end to the persecution and for the government to protect its citizens. (Source: The Christian Post)
  3. Billy Graham's Granddaughter, Jerushah Armfield, Launches New Book: Jerushah Armfield, the granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham, has launched a new book titled "Fear Less, Live More: Finding Peace in a World of Uncertainty." (Source: The Christian Post)
  4. Southern Baptist Convention Elects New President: The Southern Baptist Convention has elected a new president, Dr. Ed Litton, who has pledged to prioritize evangelism and church planting. (Source: The Christian Post)
  5. Christian Artist Michael W. Smith to Release New Album: Christian music artist Michael W. Smith is set to release a new album titled "A Million Lights," which features a mix of new and re-recorded songs. (Source: The Christian Post)

International News

  1. China Cracks Down on Christian Churches, Arrests Pastor: Chinese authorities have arrested a pastor and shut down a Christian church in the city of Chengdu, as part of a wider crackdown on Christianity in the country. (Source: The Christian Post)
  2. India's Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Conversion Law: India's Supreme Court has upheld a law that prohibits forced conversions, which has been criticized by human rights groups and Christian organizations. (Source: The Christian Post)
  3. Egyptian Christians Celebrate Easter Amid Tensions: Egyptian Christians celebrated Easter amid tensions with the government over a new law that restricts the construction of new churches. (Source: The Christian Post)

U.S. News

  1. Christian Colleges Face Challenges Over LGBTQ+ Policies: Christian colleges and universities are facing challenges over their policies on LGBTQ+ students, with some institutions being sued for allegedly discriminating against students. (Source: The Christian Post)
  2. Evangelical Leaders Call for Immigration Reform: Evangelical leaders have called for immigration reform, saying that the current system is broken and needs to be fixed. (Source: The Christian Post)
  3. Christian Music Festival to Feature Hillsong United, For King & Country: The Christian music festival "Winter Jam" is set to feature Hillsong United and For King & Country, among other artists. (Source: The Christian Post)

These are just a few of the latest breaking Christian news headlines from The Christian Post.