New zealand permanent residency requirements

To obtain permanent residency in New Zealand, you must meet certain requirements and go through a process called the "Skilled Migrant Category" or "Family Category" depending on your eligibility. Here are the general requirements:

Skilled Migrant Category:

  1. Age: You must be under 56 years old (or 55 years old if you have a job offer or are applying under the "Work to Residence" category).
  2. English language: You must have a minimum level of English language proficiency, which is usually demonstrated by achieving a score of at least 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or equivalent.
  3. Work experience: You must have at least 2 years of work experience in an occupation that is on the New Zealand Skills Shortage List or has a job offer in New Zealand.
  4. Education: You must have a recognized qualification that is equivalent to a New Zealand bachelor's degree or higher.
  5. Points-based system: You must score at least 160 points out of 180 in the points-based system, which assesses your skills, qualifications, work experience, language ability, and other factors.
  6. Health and character: You must meet the health and character requirements, which include undergoing a medical examination and providing police certificates from your home country and any countries where you have lived for 5 years or more.

Family Category:

  1. Age: You must be under 56 years old (or 55 years old if you have a job offer or are applying under the "Work to Residence" category).
  2. Relationship: You must have a close family relationship with a New Zealand citizen or resident, such as a spouse, partner, child, or dependent relative.
  3. English language: You must have a minimum level of English language proficiency, which is usually demonstrated by achieving a score of at least 6.5 in the IELTS or equivalent.
  4. Health and character: You must meet the health and character requirements, which include undergoing a medical examination and providing police certificates from your home country and any countries where you have lived for 5 years or more.

Additional requirements:

  1. Residence in New Zealand: You must intend to reside in New Zealand and not return to your home country or another country.
  2. Integration: You must demonstrate your ability to integrate into New Zealand society, which includes factors such as your language ability, education, and work experience.
  3. Financial requirements: You must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family in New Zealand.

Application process:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): You must submit an EOI, which is an online application that assesses your eligibility for residency.
  2. Invitation to Apply: If your EOI is selected, you will receive an invitation to apply for residency.
  3. Application: You must submit a full application, which includes providing supporting documents and paying the application fee.
  4. Processing: Your application will be processed by Immigration New Zealand, which may include an interview or medical examination.
  5. Approval: If your application is approved, you will be granted permanent residency in New Zealand.

Note: The requirements and process may vary depending on your individual circumstances and the category you are applying under. It is recommended that you consult the official Immigration New Zealand website or seek advice from a licensed immigration adviser to ensure you meet the requirements and follow the correct process.