Forex fundamental news to look out for

Here are some key fundamental news events to look out for in the Forex market:

Central Bank Decisions

  1. Federal Reserve (Fed) decisions: The Fed sets interest rates and monetary policy for the United States. Decisions can impact the US dollar and global markets.
  2. European Central Bank (ECB) decisions: The ECB sets interest rates and monetary policy for the Eurozone. Decisions can impact the euro and global markets.
  3. Bank of England (BoE) decisions: The BoE sets interest rates and monetary policy for the United Kingdom. Decisions can impact the British pound and global markets.
  4. Bank of Japan (BoJ) decisions: The BoJ sets interest rates and monetary policy for Japan. Decisions can impact the Japanese yen and global markets.

Economic Indicators

  1. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) reports: GDP measures a country's economic growth. Strong GDP growth can boost a currency, while weak growth can weaken it.
  2. Inflation reports: Inflation measures the rate of price increases. High inflation can lead to interest rate hikes, which can strengthen a currency.
  3. Unemployment reports: Unemployment rates measure the number of people looking for work. Low unemployment can boost a currency, while high unemployment can weaken it.
  4. Retail sales reports: Retail sales measure consumer spending. Strong retail sales can boost a currency, while weak sales can weaken it.
  5. Industrial production reports: Industrial production measures the output of factories and mines. Strong industrial production can boost a currency, while weak production can weaken it.

Political Events

  1. Elections: Elections can impact currency markets, especially if the outcome is uncertain or leads to significant policy changes.
  2. Trade agreements: Trade agreements can impact currency markets, especially if they lead to changes in tariffs or trade flows.
  3. Political crises: Political crises, such as government shutdowns or debt ceiling debates, can impact currency markets.

Other Events

  1. Natural disasters: Natural disasters, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, can impact currency markets, especially if they affect major economies.
  2. Terrorist attacks: Terrorist attacks can impact currency markets, especially if they affect major economies.
  3. Oil price shocks: Oil price shocks can impact currency markets, especially if they affect major economies with significant oil production or consumption.
  4. Currency wars: Currency wars, where countries engage in competitive devaluations, can impact currency markets.

Key Dates to Watch

  1. Federal Reserve meetings: The Fed meets eight times a year to set interest rates and monetary policy.
  2. European Central Bank meetings: The ECB meets six times a year to set interest rates and monetary policy.
  3. Bank of England meetings: The BoE meets eight times a year to set interest rates and monetary policy.
  4. G20 meetings: The G20 is a group of 20 major economies that meet to discuss global economic issues.
  5. IMF meetings: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) meets to discuss global economic issues and provide guidance on economic policy.

Remember to stay informed about these events and adjust your trading strategy accordingly. It's also important to diversify your portfolio and not rely on a single currency or market.