New zealand on air

"New Zealand on Air" is a public service broadcaster that provides funding and support to the New Zealand television and radio industries. Here are some key facts about New Zealand on Air:

Mission: New Zealand on Air's mission is to promote and support the development of New Zealand's television and radio industries, with a focus on providing high-quality, diverse, and innovative content that reflects New Zealand's culture and identity.

Funding: New Zealand on Air provides funding to television and radio producers to develop and produce content that meets its funding criteria. The funding is used to support the production of documentaries, drama series, children's programming, and other types of content.

Funding criteria: New Zealand on Air's funding criteria include:

Types of funding: New Zealand on Air provides several types of funding, including:

Programmes and initiatives: New Zealand on Air has several programmes and initiatives that support the development of New Zealand's television and radio industries. These include:

Impact: New Zealand on Air has had a significant impact on the New Zealand television and radio industries. The organization has supported the production of many high-quality, innovative, and diverse programs that have been broadcast on television and radio stations around the world.