New zealand hair sedge

You're referring to Carex sect. Trichospira, commonly known as New Zealand hair sedge or hair sedge!

Carex sect. Trichospira is a group of sedge species within the genus Carex, which is a large and diverse family of grass-like plants. The New Zealand hair sedge is native to New Zealand and is characterized by its distinctive, long, thin, and hair-like leaves.

Here are some interesting facts about New Zealand hair sedge:

  1. Unique appearance: The hair-like leaves of New Zealand hair sedge are one of its most distinctive features. They can grow up to 30 cm (12 in) long and are often covered in fine hairs.
  2. Diverse distribution: New Zealand hair sedge is found throughout New Zealand, including the North and South Islands, as well as the Chatham Islands.
  3. Wetland habitats: These sedges typically thrive in wetland environments, such as marshes, swamps, and streams.
  4. Edible: The leaves and stems of New Zealand hair sedge are edible and can be used in salads or as a vegetable.
  5. Cultivation: New Zealand hair sedge is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and wetland restoration projects.
  6. Ecological importance: These sedges play an important role in their ecosystems, providing habitat and food for various animals, such as birds, insects, and small mammals.

If you're interested in learning more about New Zealand hair sedge or other sedge species, I'd be happy to help!