Removeable speed breaker

A removable speed breaker, also known as a removable speed hump or speed bump, is a type of traffic calming device that can be installed and removed as needed. Here are some benefits and considerations:


  1. Flexibility: Removable speed breakers can be installed and removed quickly, allowing for easy access to areas that require maintenance or construction.
  2. Cost-effective: They are often less expensive than permanent speed humps or bumps, as they don't require extensive excavation or installation.
  3. Temporary traffic calming: Removable speed breakers can be used to temporarily calm traffic in areas where permanent measures are not feasible or desirable.
  4. Easy to relocate: If needed, removable speed breakers can be easily relocated to another area.


  1. Safety: Removable speed breakers may not be as effective at slowing traffic as permanent speed humps or bumps, as they can be easily driven over or removed.
  2. Maintenance: Removable speed breakers require regular maintenance to ensure they remain effective and safe.
  3. Aesthetics: Some people may find removable speed breakers unsightly or distracting, which can impact the overall appearance of the area.
  4. Noise: Removable speed breakers can create noise when driven over, which may be a concern in residential areas.

Types of removable speed breakers:

  1. Portable speed bumps: These are typically made of rubber or plastic and can be easily moved or removed.
  2. Modular speed humps: These are made up of interlocking modules that can be installed and removed as needed.
  3. Adjustable speed breakers: These can be adjusted to different heights or angles to suit different traffic conditions.

In summary, removable speed breakers can be a useful tool for temporary traffic calming, but they may not be as effective as permanent measures. It's essential to weigh the benefits and considerations before deciding whether to install removable speed breakers in a particular area.