New york to greenfield ma

A trip from the Big Apple to the Pioneer Valley!

Here are the directions from New York City to Greenfield, Massachusetts:


  1. From New York City, take I-95 N towards New Haven, CT
  2. Continue on I-95 N for approximately 120 miles
  3. Take exit 32 for I-84 E towards Hartford, CT
  4. Follow I-84 E for about 60 miles
  5. Take exit 58 for I-91 N towards Springfield, MA
  6. Continue on I-91 N for approximately 40 miles
  7. Take exit 20 for US-5 N towards Greenfield, MA
  8. Follow US-5 N for about 10 miles
  9. Arrive in Greenfield, MA

Approximate driving distance: 220 miles (354 km) Approximate driving time: 4-5 hours depending on traffic and road conditions

Public Transportation:

  1. From New York City's Penn Station, take the Amtrak Northeast Regional train to Springfield, MA (approximately 2.5 hours)
  2. From Springfield, take the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) bus #25 towards Greenfield (approximately 45 minutes)
  3. Get off at the Greenfield Center bus stop

Approximate travel time: 4-5 hours depending on the train and bus schedules


  1. From one of New York City's airports (JFK, LGA, or EWR), fly to Bradley International Airport (BDL) in Windsor Locks, CT (approximately 1 hour)
  2. From Bradley Airport, take a taxi or rental car to Greenfield, MA (approximately 30-40 minutes)

Approximate travel time: 2-3 hours depending on the flight schedule and traffic

Please note that these directions and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting location, traffic conditions, and time of day. It's always a good idea to check for updates before embarking on your journey!