New york style pizza near me

A classic New York-style pizza craving! I'd be happy to help you find a great spot near you. Here are a few ways to do so:

Online Directories:

  1. Yelp: Search for "New York-style pizza near me" or "best pizza near me" on Yelp to find top-rated spots in your area.
  2. Google Maps: Type "New York-style pizza near my location" or "pizza near me" on Google Maps to find nearby options.
  3. TripAdvisor: Search for "New York-style pizza" or "pizza" on TripAdvisor to find highly-recommended spots.

Specific Chains:

  1. Joe's Pizza: A classic New York-style pizzeria with multiple locations in the city and beyond.
  2. Lombardi's Pizza: America's first pizzeria, located in Little Italy, Manhattan.
  3. Patsy's Pizzeria: Another historic spot, founded in 1933, with multiple locations in the city.

Local Favorites:

  1. Check out online review sites like Yelp or TripAdvisor to find highly-rated, local New York-style pizzerias in your area.
  2. Ask friends, family, or coworkers for recommendations. They might have a favorite spot that's not well-known online.


  1. Look for pizzerias with a brick oven or a classic New York-style pizza joint with a retro vibe.
  2. Check the menu for classic toppings like mozzarella, pepperoni, and sausage.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations or modifications (e.g., extra cheese or no sauce).

Now, go forth and find your perfect slice of New York-style pizza!