Covid 19 journalists warned to be steadfast safety conscious

COVID-19: Journalists Warned to be Steadfastly Safety-Conscious

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, journalists have been warned to prioritize their safety and well-being while reporting on the crisis. The warning comes from various organizations, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Risks Faced by Journalists

Journalists have been exposed to various risks while reporting on COVID-19, including:

  1. Infection: Journalists may be at risk of contracting the virus while interviewing patients, healthcare workers, or others who may be infected.
  2. Physical harm: Journalists may face physical harm while reporting on protests, riots, or other situations related to the pandemic.
  3. Emotional trauma: Journalists may experience emotional trauma while reporting on the pandemic, including witnessing death, suffering, and loss.
  4. Stigma and discrimination: Journalists may face stigma and discrimination while reporting on COVID-19, particularly if they are perceived as "carriers" of the virus.

Safety Precautions

To mitigate these risks, journalists are advised to take the following safety precautions:

  1. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE): Wear masks, gloves, and other PPE when reporting on COVID-19.
  2. Maintain social distancing: Keep a safe distance from others to reduce the risk of transmission.
  3. Practice good hygiene: Wash hands frequently, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, and avoid sharing food and drinks.
  4. Stay informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest information on COVID-19, including transmission, symptoms, and treatment.
  5. Seek medical attention: If symptoms develop, seek medical attention immediately.
  6. Stay connected: Stay connected with colleagues, friends, and family to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  7. Take breaks: Take regular breaks to rest and recharge.
  8. Prioritize mental health: Prioritize mental health and seek support if experiencing emotional trauma or distress.

Support for Journalists

Various organizations are providing support to journalists reporting on COVID-19, including:

  1. IFJ's COVID-19 Journalist Support Fund: The IFJ has established a fund to support journalists affected by the pandemic.
  2. CPJ's COVID-19 Journalist Safety Guide: The CPJ has developed a guide to help journalists stay safe while reporting on COVID-19.
  3. WHO's Journalist Safety Guidelines: The WHO has developed guidelines to help journalists stay safe while reporting on COVID-19.


Journalists play a critical role in reporting on COVID-19, and it is essential that they prioritize their safety and well-being while doing so. By taking the necessary precautions and seeking support when needed, journalists can continue to provide vital information to the public while minimizing the risks associated with reporting on the pandemic.