New york post cover

The New York Post is a daily newspaper published in New York City, and its cover is often a reflection of the city's vibrant and sometimes provocative culture. Here are some examples of notable New York Post covers:

  1. Headless Horseman: In 2013, the Post's cover featured a gruesome image of a headless horseman, a nod to the iconic character from Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The cover was a response to the gruesome murder of a woman in Central Park.
  2. "Worst. Mayor. Ever.": In 2013, the Post's cover slammed then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, calling him the "Worst. Mayor. Ever." The cover was a response to Bloomberg's controversial policies, including his ban on large sugary drinks.
  3. "Farewell, America": In 2016, the Post's cover featured a dramatic image of a Statue of Liberty with a tear in her eye, with the headline "Farewell, America." The cover was a response to the presidential election, which saw Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
  4. "The Donald's Big Lie": In 2017, the Post's cover accused President Trump of lying about his claims of wiretapping during the presidential campaign. The cover featured a cartoon of Trump with a Pinocchio nose.
  5. "The Real Collusion": In 2018, the Post's cover accused the FBI of colluding with the Democratic Party to undermine Trump's presidency. The cover featured a cartoon of FBI agents in a conspiracy.
  6. "The Squad": In 2019, the Post's cover featured a cartoon of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and three other progressive lawmakers, known as "The Squad," with the headline "The Squad's War on America." The cover was a response to the lawmakers' criticism of Trump's immigration policies.
  7. "The Virus That Changed America": In 2020, the Post's cover featured a dramatic image of a person wearing a mask, with the headline "The Virus That Changed America." The cover was a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a profound impact on the city and the country.

These are just a few examples of the many provocative and attention-grabbing covers the New York Post has published over the years.