New york life foundation

The New York Life Foundation is a private foundation that was established in 1973 by New York Life Insurance Company. The foundation's mission is to support programs and organizations that improve the lives of children, families, and communities, with a focus on education, youth development, and disaster relief.

The New York Life Foundation is one of the largest corporate foundations in the United States, with assets of over $1.5 billion. The foundation makes grants to non-profit organizations and provides funding for programs and initiatives that align with its mission and goals.

Some of the areas that the New York Life Foundation focuses on include:

  1. Education: The foundation supports programs that improve access to education, particularly for disadvantaged youth, and that promote academic achievement and career readiness.
  2. Youth Development: The foundation supports programs that help young people develop the skills and competencies they need to succeed, including programs that focus on character development, leadership, and community service.
  3. Disaster Relief: The foundation provides funding and support to organizations that provide disaster relief and recovery services, particularly in the aftermath of natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods.
  4. Community Development: The foundation supports programs that promote community development and economic growth, particularly in low-income and underserved communities.

Some examples of the types of grants that the New York Life Foundation makes include:

The New York Life Foundation also provides funding for research and evaluation initiatives that help to identify best practices and measure the impact of programs and services. The foundation also provides funding for capacity-building initiatives that help non-profit organizations to build their capacity and sustainability.

Overall, the New York Life Foundation is a significant source of funding for non-profit organizations and programs that support the well-being and success of children, families, and communities.