New light john mayer mp3

You're looking for the MP3 of "New Light" by John Mayer!

Here are a few options to get the song:

Streaming Services:

  1. Spotify: You can search for "New Light" by John Mayer on Spotify and listen to it for free with occasional ads, or upgrade to a premium account for ad-free listening.
  2. Apple Music: You can search for "New Light" by John Mayer on Apple Music and listen to it with a subscription.
  3. Amazon Music: You can search for "New Light" by John Mayer on Amazon Music and listen to it with a subscription or purchase the song as a digital download.

Digital Music Stores:

  1. iTunes: You can purchase "New Light" by John Mayer from iTunes and download it as an MP3.
  2. Google Play Music: You can purchase "New Light" by John Mayer from Google Play Music and download it as an MP3.
  3. Amazon Music Store: You can purchase "New Light" by John Mayer from Amazon Music Store and download it as an MP3.


  1. Official Audio: You can listen to the official audio of "New Light" by John Mayer on YouTube Music.
  2. User-uploaded videos: You can search for "New Light" by John Mayer on YouTube and find user-uploaded videos with the song.

Remember to always download or stream music from authorized sources to support the artists and respect copyright laws.