New york federal reserve

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) is one of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks that make up the Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States. The FRBNY is responsible for serving the Second Federal Reserve District, which includes New York State, the 12 northern counties of New Jersey, and Fairfield County in Connecticut.

Here are some key facts about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

Headquarters: 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045

Established: 1914

President: John C. Williams (since 2018)


  1. Monetary Policy: The FRBNY plays a key role in implementing monetary policy decisions made by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which sets interest rates and buys or sells government securities to influence the money supply and inflation.
  2. Bank Supervision and Regulation: The FRBNY supervises and regulates banks, thrifts, and other financial institutions in its district, ensuring their safety and soundness and compliance with laws and regulations.
  3. Currency: The FRBNY prints and distributes U.S. currency and coins to financial institutions in its district.
  4. Financial Markets: The FRBNY provides liquidity to financial markets, including the purchase and sale of government securities, and provides emergency loans to financial institutions.
  5. Research and Analysis: The FRBNY conducts research and analysis on economic and financial issues, including the impact of monetary policy on the economy.

Notable Initiatives:

  1. Quantitative Easing: During the 2008 financial crisis, the FRBNY played a key role in implementing quantitative easing, a monetary policy tool that involved buying large amounts of government securities to inject liquidity into the financial system.
  2. Libor Reform: The FRBNY has been a leader in efforts to reform the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor), a benchmark interest rate that has been criticized for its manipulation and lack of transparency.
  3. Fintech: The FRBNY has been exploring the potential benefits and risks of fintech, including blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and digital payments.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Gold Vault: The FRBNY has a gold vault that stores over 6,000 tons of gold, worth approximately $200 billion.
  2. Federal Reserve Plaza: The FRBNY's headquarters building, Federal Reserve Plaza, is a prominent landmark in Lower Manhattan and features a large sculpture of a Federal Reserve note.
  3. Economic Research: The FRBNY's Research Department is one of the largest and most respected in the world, with a staff of over 100 economists and researchers.

Overall, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York plays a critical role in the U.S. financial system, serving as a key player in monetary policy, bank supervision, and financial markets.