Greenwood will become the complete no 9 solskjaer expecting big things from man utd teenager

An interesting article!

The article is likely referring to Mason Greenwood, a young English footballer who plays as a forward for Manchester United and the England national team. Greenwood has been touted as a potential star of the future, and his manager, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, is expecting big things from him.

As a "complete No. 9", Greenwood is expected to be a well-rounded striker who can score goals, create chances for his teammates, and hold up the ball effectively. Solskjaer has been impressed with Greenwood's progress and believes he has the potential to become a top-class striker.

The article may also be hinting that Solskjaer sees Greenwood as a key player in Manchester United's future success, and is expecting him to make a significant impact in the team's attacking lineup. With his pace, skill, and finishing ability, Greenwood has the potential to become a fan favorite at Old Trafford and a regular goal-scorer for both club and country.

It's exciting to think about the potential Greenwood has, and fans of Manchester United and English football will be eagerly watching his progress in the coming seasons!