New yellow card

You're referring to the new yellow card system introduced by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) in 2018!

The new yellow card system aims to reduce the number of yellow cards given to players and to encourage more positive behavior on the pitch. Here are the key changes:

  1. Single yellow card for persistent infringement: Instead of giving multiple yellow cards for the same type of infringement (e.g., dissent, unsporting behavior), referees can now give a single yellow card for persistent infringement.
  2. No automatic suspension for yellow cards: Unlike the previous system, players will no longer receive an automatic suspension for accumulating a certain number of yellow cards (e.g., 5 or 10) during a season or tournament.
  3. More emphasis on red cards: The new system places more emphasis on issuing red cards for serious offenses, such as violent conduct, spitting, or attempting to injure an opponent.
  4. Increased use of video assistant referees (VARs): The new system encourages the use of VARs to help referees make accurate decisions, particularly in situations where a yellow or red card might be given.

The goal of the new system is to promote fair play, respect, and sportsmanship on the pitch, while also reducing the number of yellow cards and the potential for players to accumulate suspensions.