For citation purporses is a news website a blog

For citation purposes, whether a news website is considered a blog or not depends on the specific characteristics of the website and the context in which it is being cited.

In general, a blog is typically defined as a personal or informal online journal or diary that is updated regularly with new content. Blogs often have a more conversational tone and may include personal opinions, reflections, or experiences.

News websites, on the other hand, are typically designed to provide factual information about current events, news, and trends. They often have a more formal tone and are updated regularly with new content, but they are not necessarily personal or opinion-based.

In citation styles such as MLA, APA, and Chicago, news websites are typically treated as online periodicals or news sources, rather than blogs. This means that they are cited using a specific format that includes the title of the article, the title of the website, the date of publication, and the URL.

For example, in MLA style, a news website might be cited as follows:

"Title of Article." Title of Website, Date of Publication, URL.

In APA style, a news website might be cited as follows:

Title of Article. (Date of Publication). Title of Website. Retrieved from URL.

In Chicago style, a news website might be cited as follows:

Title of Article. Title of Website, Date of Publication, URL.

It's worth noting that some news websites may have a blog-like format or include opinion pieces or personal reflections, which could affect how they are cited. In these cases, it's best to consult the specific citation style guidelines or consult with a librarian or academic advisor for guidance.