New years resolution categories

Here are some popular New Year's resolution categories to consider:

Personal Growth

  1. Self-care and wellness
  2. Mindfulness and meditation
  3. Learning a new skill or hobby
  4. Improving mental health and self-awareness
  5. Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care

Health and Fitness

  1. Exercise regularly (e.g., join a gym, take up a new sport)
  2. Eat a balanced diet and reduce sugar intake
  3. Get enough sleep and establish a consistent sleep schedule
  4. Quit smoking or reduce alcohol consumption
  5. Run a certain number of miles or complete a specific workout routine


  1. Create a budget and track expenses
  2. Pay off debt or save a certain amount of money
  3. Increase income through a side hustle or career advancement
  4. Build an emergency fund
  5. Invest in a retirement account or other long-term savings plan


  1. Nurture existing relationships (e.g., schedule regular check-ins with friends and family)
  2. Meet new people and expand social circle (e.g., join a club or attend events)
  3. Improve communication skills and conflict resolution
  4. Set boundaries and prioritize relationships that are positive and uplifting
  5. Plan regular date nights or activities with loved ones

Career and Education

  1. Advance in current career or seek a new job
  2. Pursue further education or training (e.g., online courses, certifications)
  3. Start a side hustle or freelance work
  4. Improve time management and productivity skills
  5. Set career goals and create a plan to achieve them

Travel and Exploration

  1. Plan a certain number of vacations or trips
  2. Explore new places and cultures
  3. Take a break from technology and go on a digital detox
  4. Learn a new language or take a cooking class
  5. Plan a bucket list trip or adventure

Home and Organization

  1. Declutter and organize living space
  2. Create a home maintenance schedule
  3. Improve cooking and meal planning skills
  4. Start a garden or indoor plants
  5. Create a home office or workspace

Creative and Hobbies

  1. Start a new creative project (e.g., writing, painting, photography)
  2. Learn a new instrument or take music lessons
  3. Start a journal or writing practice
  4. Take up a new hobby (e.g., knitting, woodworking)
  5. Plan regular creative time or schedule artistic activities

Remember, these categories are just a starting point, and you can always create your own custom resolutions that align with your goals and priorities.