The housemates morning routine watch bbnaija live 24 7 showmax

It sounds like the housemates in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) house have a morning routine that involves watching the live show 24/7 on Showmax!

Here's a possible scenario:

The morning sun peeks through the windows of the BBNaija house, signaling the start of a new day. The housemates, still in their PJs, gather in the living room, bleary-eyed but excited for the day ahead. They grab their phones and tablets, and settle in for a morning ritual that's become a staple in the house - watching the live show on Showmax!

As they munch on their breakfast, they tune in to the live feed, eager to catch up on the latest drama, gossip, and antics from the previous night. They ooh and ahh over the latest twists and turns, and speculate about what might happen next. Some might even place bets on who'll be evicted next or who'll win the next challenge.

The morning routine is a great way for the housemates to bond, relax, and get pumped up for the day ahead. It's also a chance for them to unwind and recharge after a long night of partying and socializing.

What do you think? Are you a fan of BBNaija?