New words 2020

Here are some new words that were added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2020:

  1. Vaxxer (noun): a person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease.
  2. Infodemic (noun): a situation in which there is a large amount of information available about a particular topic, but much of it is unreliable or misleading.
  3. Doomscrolling (verb): the act of continuing to scroll through bad news on social media or a news website, even though it's having a negative effect on your mental health.
  4. Climate anxiety (noun): a feeling of worry or concern about the impact of climate change.
  5. E-scooter (noun): a type of electric scooter that is designed for personal transportation.
  6. Gig economy (noun): an economy in which people work short-term, flexible jobs, often through online platforms.
  7. Microaggression (noun): a comment or action that is perceived as offensive or demeaning, but is not intended to be so.
  8. Nostalgia filter (noun): a social media filter that adds a nostalgic effect to a photo or video.
  9. Pandemic fatigue (noun): a feeling of exhaustion or burnout caused by the prolonged duration of a pandemic.
  10. Sustainable fashion (noun): clothing and accessories that are designed to be environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
  11. TikTok (verb): to create and share short-form videos on the social media platform TikTok.
  12. Wellness warrior (noun): a person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being, often through healthy habits and self-care practices.

These words reflect some of the significant events and trends of 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the rise of social media and e-commerce.